A Cat That Changes My Life: Mosart

 So, Hi again.

This is me, I am the problem...

eh kok nyanyi? 

No, I want to write about one of my cats that changes my life. My very first cat.

Do you like to pet a cat? Because, Cat is the most beautiful creatures in the world which have beautiful color fur pattern on their body, also the sharp beautiful eyes that could light in the night. I don't care if you don't agree with me, but let's agree that a cat can changes people's life.

Below my explanation about the sentence before:

Do you ever watch about "Bob - The Street Cat?" I really recommended that movie to all of you my beloved readers who loves cat. 

source: google 

So, Bob is the street cat who follow everywhere  a man called james go. 
They both became best friend in the end, after going through some difficult life.
James was the drug-addict who want to be a normal people, but it was difficult for him to be normal because of his environment, his friend, and He has no family who care about him after his parents divorced. 

Suddenly, A cat follow him everywhere, James like to be friend with a cat, but pessimistic to give food for that small creature. Someday, Bob hurt himself because of fought with another cat. James felt sad and took Bob to the Vet. 

Bob knew about a nearby vet from a girl who lately become most important person in his life. 
So, how was life going then? Go watch it! You will like it till you cry!

I had one cat that changes my life. 
A cat that makes me feel more understand myself. 
I knew at the first sight that he loves me too. 

I named him, MOSART. 

The most beautiful name that I ever made because of the uniqueness, rare, and meaningful. The means of Mosart is Most Outstanding Art. Because, He was, He does, and He will always be the most outstanding art from God to me. 

He loves to lick my hands,
He loves to play with us,
He changes my sister traumatic into love,
He changes me to be better, to be a caring person especially for myself and him.

I didn't know anything about a cat when I adopted a cat for the first time. How stupid I was. 
I didn't know about cat's vaccine, illness, and deadly viruses which cause pain for me in another day. 
I lost my Mosart because of 2 viruses that I thought it from the vet I had ever visited with Mosart or from a street cat who we met only by 10 seconds. I don't know. But, I regret the both of it.

I left my cat - alone - before he got his first vaccine. I took Mosart to the Vet due to vomit (Mosart suddenly puke) and It made me really scary to lost him, So I took him to the vet to check up on him.  But, The doctor want to take Mosart to another branch to check up on him due to limitations equipment. I was okay with it. I left him alone. 

2 days later, I took Mosart out from home on Thursday. I want him to see outside, and I had filled vaccination form for him on Sunday. On the way home, We met a sick street cat with 1 meter distance and we talked to him "We hope you will get better and healthy". It was stupid. 

My sister told that was a curse for Me and Mosart to not helped that cat but only talk stupid things. Maybe the cat thought that we only mocked at him that day. "They were not help me but only pray? what a shame." Maybe it was. 

But, Suddenly, Mosart got very sick on Saturday and I took him to the same vet again. I won't to blame the vet, I only regret the decision I've made that day: to left him alone because of only a little vomit. Lately, I understand that Mosart only got hairball vomit. It's not necessary to brought him to the vet. So, yeah. I panicked that day then because of busy at work, I left him alone. 

We could not nurse Mosart at Home. We decided to took Mosart to the vet again and his condition become worse than at home. I also regret my decision, blame myself for doing such stupid things that made Mosart go away from this world forever. 

Do you know why I still feel sad when I remember Mosart?
It's because I can't visited Mosart before he died, I can't hug him, I can't met him in his very last day. That is why I still sad.... 

Then, I told myself what if I didn't take him to inpatient at The Vet???? 
It must be the most regret than my decision I've made. Why I didn't do more to him, to get him inpatient treatment, to see a doctor, to check up on him, and the what if question in my mind.

What if... 
All of us maybe experienced it much. 
About, what if A but B?
What if C then D?

We don't know the answer of all our question. 
The certainty is the uncertainty. 

I found a song that makes me calm: 
Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be,
The future is not ours to see....

Que Sera, Sera
Whatever will be, will be,

But, I know that  someday, I will meet him again in Jannah, aameen.
I will ask to Allah about Mosart, then I will apologize to him that I couldn't take care of him.
He changes me a lot, to more love myself, to give more love for little creatures like him. 

Bonus photo: 

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